The 3 AM Call

- Neenv Raju Akunuri

There are times when I wonder what it would be like to pick up the phone and call you. Hear your muffled sleepy voice, from across ten thousand miles, decipher the surprise in your silence and tell you, you gave up on us too soon, you shouldn’t have, all we need is another chance, just one to make it alright, just one to forget all the wrong and start afresh, just one to act like we never hurt each other.

But then I remember, that it would mean denying that I now have self respect, that now I keep my heart guarded, that now I stand strong in the storm, that now I’ve learnt to never give up on myself.

There are times when I wonder what it would be like to pick up the phone and call you. Hear your bright and happy voice, from across ten thousand miles, and surprise myself by saying I’m glad you gave up on us, I needed a chance to breathe again, just one to be happy again, just one to be truly alive, just one chance to be my own Savior. I’m glad you gave up on us.

I do neither. Instead I let my phone stare at me, the only proof of what transpired and what didn’t.

Neenv is a 25 year old engineer because of peer pressure, and an MBA, by choice. She is a Risk Analyst based in Chennai. She studies markets during the day and fiction through the night.